About Me The webmistress is an anonymous girl living in the midwestern united states. She is a full time student with a job in a laboratory.

:) learning new things, cakes, science, language, art, fashion, dragonfruit, sushi

:( losers, meanies, thai food, losing things, bad grades

byfif you cant handle the heat get outta da kitchen.

Weclome to ARSNICON, your one stop shop for all things extrapolated from the young female student's conciousness. Here you will find all manner of important and unimportant figments from my brain. Hover over the box with the website title for more information about your webmistress. Enjoy your stay!


3/26/23 : LAUNCHED THE FIRST INDEX OF ARSNICON!!! had to edit some stuff to get it to look right on different resolutions LOL but it's looking good now... we have some growing to do but the future is looking good.